
Autophagy! Like to know more about Autophagy? It is a blessing in disguise for the human body and inducing it in people, brings in a host of health benefits as per medical kinds of research conducted so far

Hippocrates 3

(Ancient Greek Medical Practitioner & The Father of Modern Medicine – Hippocrates)

What did the other famous personalities say about Fasting, and as a result how did they get benefitted from maintaining absolute Optimal Health ???

“Fasting is the Physician within” –
(Ancient Greeks)

“The Best of all Medicines is Resting and Fasting” –
(Benjamin Franklin, One of America’s Founding Fathers)

“It is far more important than to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has” –
(Hippocrates, The Greek Doctor)

“Anything in excess can prove to be fatal and lethal for wellness. Fasting is the Doctor’s greatest cure from within” –

(Paracelsus, A Swiss-German Physician who is well-known as the Father of Toxicology and who was a proponent of Intermittent Fasting)

How Fasting has influenced Medicine, Philosophy, Science, and Politics and who were its beneficiaries :

01) Mahatma Gandhi. Father Of The Indian Nation

02) After Hippocrates; The Great Ancient Greek Historians viz. Plutarch, Plato, and Aristotle also understood the importance of Fasting and followed this in general.

03) Celebrities like; Beyoncé, Nicole Kidman, Jennifer Lopez, Ben Affleck, Benedict Cumber batch, Justin Theroux, Antonio Porowskl, Miranda Kerr

04) Famous Author in English Viz. Mark Twain was a supporter of Fasting for Health.

05) If someone is eating three meals a day, plus snacks, and not exercising, then every time they eat, they are running on those calories and not burning their Fat Stores either. –

(Mark Mattson, Ph.D.., Neuroscientist at John Hopkins, who studied Intermittent Fasting for 25 years)

Mahatma Gandhi, The Father Of The Indian Nation

Mahatma Gandhi (Fasted in protest of Britain’s Colonial Rule Of India)

Hippocrates 1

Hippocrates – Greek Physician (Known as the Father Of The Medicine)

Paracelsus, The Father Of The Toxicology

Paracelsus – A Swiss-German Physician (Known as the Father Of Toxicology)


Plutarch – The Great Ancient Greek Historian (Understood The Importance Of Fasting)

Plato 1

Plato – The Great Ancient  Greek Historian (Understood importance of Fasting)

Aristotle 1

Aristotle – The Great Ancient Greek Historian (Understood The Importance Of Fasting)

Mark Twain 1

Mark Twain – Famous Author in English – A Supporter Of Fasting For Optimal Health

Benjamin Franklin 1

Benjamin Franklin – One of the Founding Fathers of America (Fasting is the BEST Medicine)

Maharshi Charaka 1

Maharishi Charka – Ancient Ayurveda Indian Physician

Dr. Yoshinori Ohsumi 1

Dr. Yoshinori Ohsumi – A Japanese Cell Biologist (Nobel Prize Recipient)

What is Autophagy ??? What is its definition ???

Autophagy is a self-healing mechanism at the Cellular level that, when achieved, can change the complete health perspective of your whole Life for the BEST. Coupled with, it is revealed as the process of recycling and removing the debris at the Cellular level by all means.

Self Healing, Better-Living

“Auto” means “Self,” and the word “Phage” means “Eating.” Therefore, Autophagy enables the body to eat automatically thereby removing damaged and unused cellular waste. Likewise, it is a part of “self-healing” and “better living.”

Autophagy Is A Part Of Self Healing And Better Living
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The whole process of Autophagy on blue background vector illustration

How does Autophagy benefit you ???

When individuals adopt the healthy lifestyle of Autophagy, they can notice visible changes in them. In addition to that, they become more active and have a certain “GLOW,” too which could enable them to get back their bodies’ vitality in fact. Similarly, they are even more productive and focused on their tasks. Further more, it talks about living healthily.

Healthy Autophagy Living

How does Autophagy work ???

We all know that the human body is all about life and death. In fact, certain “hunter” particles do exist in our bodies. They go around the body continuously searching for Cells or Cell components that are old and damaged too. Coupled with, particularly the process of Autophagy revolves around these hidden searching particles.

Mystery Behind

These cleverly behaving chasing particles take control of the Cells or Cell components. Later, they remove the damaged parts of these Cells or Cell components and save the beneficial features to make new cells by all means. Further more, knowingly or unknowingly, all these processes are continuously happening without our knowledge to enable us to maintain absolute Health in good condition every so often too.

Beginning Of Existence

Since the beginning of our existence, this Autophagy process has been running inside our bodies; because of various health benefits extended. Further more, this process keeps running continuously in our bodies forever.

No Longer Useful

Moreover, this is also a required feature for our bodies, as it enables us to get rid of waste and damaged parts that are no longer useful. If we fail to clear these damaged cell particles, they could build up in large quantities and eventually make us sick further.


Our bodies are efficient in everything we do, and waste disposal is no different too. Autophagy can use these old cell parts and recycle them to create new energy for daily household chores like walking and breathing. People do turn too fast to induce Autophagy.

However, what is “self-eating,” and who does create a recipe for disaster in our bodies ???

The strange thing in our body is that if it does not get food, it starts eating itself. However, it does not do this in such a frightening way that you must be thinking in an adverse situation. But, this is a natural process that the body got accustomed to over centuries since long.

Role of our Ancestors

It started with our ancestors, who used to live in caves. When you restrict calories, fast, and go on a diet, your body automatically activates Autophagy as an added benefit. In other words, you are supporting your body to turn to its regenerative transformation.

Recipe For Disaster

As far as the creation of recipe disaster is concerned, soon after a certain age, we experience stress, change in diet, physical stagnation, and other pressures that life throws at us.

Significance Of Undesirable Components

As a result, this development speeds up the rate at which our cells begin to break down. Added to our habit of feeding our bodies undesirable components, we have created a recipe for disaster. It is where Autophagy comes into the picture as a part of survival meachanism.

Senescent Cells

By implementing this process, the body focuses on removing the ever-increasing number of deteriorating cells, which include the senescent cells that provide no use to the body. Moreover, they move around inside our organs and tissues as wasted harmful objects too.

Creation Of Inflammatory Pathways

These so-called senescent cells can activate inflammatory pathways and become vital factors in the formation of various diseases. It is equally important to understand that we don’t need them. Thank GOD equally, because we have Autophagy to remove them.

What Is Self Eating

What are the five different ways to activate Autophagy ???

01) Low-Carbohydrate Diet

Carbohydrates are easily digestible. In effect, they are very low in Fiber content. Therefore, when we take them, they can create an unsolicited imbalance in our sugar levels; Sugar levels in our blood are likely to drop immediately after consuming food that is high in Carbohydrates;

Urge To Eat More

As a result, we may feel hungry within a short span of 1 to 2 hours, thereby creating an urge to eat again further more and more.

Low Carbohydrate Diet

02) High-Fat Diet

People do think that fats are not advisable for health. If you are ready to think outside of the box, it is advisable that you need a few good fats from various sources in the form of nuts, eggs, and saturated fats in moderation.


In addition, if you take them in a suggested fasting approach, you keep burning away all those Carbohydrates for want of generation of ketones in your body.

Good Fats

You are enabling your body to send out all the Carbohydrates stored in your body; In one way or other, instead of Carbohydrates, you are slowly training your body to depend upon good fats as a source of energy to the maximum extent possible.

High Fat Diet

03) Intermittent Fasting
Here, we would like to give much emphasis on Intermittent Fasting. It is one of the BEST tools for the body to burn out all the bad fats accumulated in your body. When you start burning fat, the glucose levels in the blood also start dropping as a result.

Utilization of Body Fat

Resultantly, the body starts utilizing the fat it had already stored earlier. Ultimately, you start losing your body weight equally.

Intermittent Fasting 1

04) Exercise
Exercising helps you release hormones that will improve the ability of your muscles to absorb Amino Acids. Hence, these Amino Acids are accountable for reducing the wear and tear of muscles too.

Bone Mineral Density (BMD)

Similarly, when these breakdowns of Muscles get reduced, there is a vast improvement in their growth as an additional benefit. Under these circumstances, exercise helps to boost Bone Mineral Density (BMD).

Use of Energy

Besides, Physical workouts always increase energy levels in the human body too. Your body can efficiently use this energy; in an efficient manner and help you out in distributing it to various parts of the body.

05) Quality Sleep
Henceforth, it is a mandatory step to ensure that 6 to 8 hours of sound sleep every night is essential for activating Autophagy in everyone’s life.

Qulity Sleep

What type of health advantages should be attributed to Autophagy ???

01) Consequently Seniors can get benefited from Anti-Aging

02) Accelerates FAT Weight Loss and Belly Fat

03) Helps to balance and elevate Muscle-Building Hormones

04) Helps to elevate Human Growth Hormone (HGH) 5 times, thereby preventing Premature Aging and Saggy Skin

05) Extended Fasts help to build new Immune System Stem Cells

06) Production of new Muscle Stem Cells for adding Lean Muscle in Athletes

07) More clarity in Thinking at the Cerebral Level

08) Helps to revert the root cause of being Overweight, Type-2 Diabetes, and Fatty Liver Disease by reversing Insulin Resistance

09) Keeps you in Fat-Burning Mode 24/7

10) Helps to add Lean Muscle even for 60 years old and beyond

Attributable Health Advatanges of Autophagy

Oxidative Stress and Your Hormones

Our bodies; are automatically trained to react to stress. We can cope with it to a certain extent; Stress is essential to keep us motivated, raise our alert levels, or improve our flight-or-fight responses when; we feel the necessity.

Flight Or Fight Response

However, stress can become harmful when; we do not find time to cope with it under various stressful situations. It is as equal as you are on the go and constantly becoming alert without giving any scope for rest.

Role Of Stress On Hormones

Thus, your constant stress levels might become chronic if they demand your attention for longer durations. Likewise, when you are in a stressful situation for a prolonged period, you are causing wear and tear on your body.


You can notice the ill effects of these conditions physically and emotionally. Here are a few symptoms of the stressful situation :

Oxidative Stress

(1) Exhaustion
(2) Increased Heart Rate
(3) Headaches
(4) Indigestion
(5) Aches & Pains throughout the body.
(6) Sweaty Palms
(7) Sudden Weight Gain.

Oxidative Stress

There is another form of stress that is equally harmful to the body. It is OXIDATIVE STRESS. An atom in your Cell is supposed to have a Neutron and a Proton in the center with an Electron in its Orbit. But in Oxidative Stress, you miss this Electron in your Cell while giving scope for creating FREE RADICALS.

Free Radicals

The problem with free radicals is that when they are on their quest to seek out electrons to pair with, they often damage the Proteins, Cells, and DNA that come in their path. This unwarranted situation eventually causes numerous problems for the body;

Neurodegenerative Diseases

Neurodegenerative Diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s become common too. Similarly, the body even begins to age faster as more free radicals accumulate. The more the FREE RADICALS, the more DAMAGE they cause too.


Many substances that cause FREE RADICALS are available in the Food we eat or the things we Consume. High Carb, Sugar-Rich, Fried Foods, Alcohol, and Tobacco are some of the things we take, which can call for the creation of more FREE RADICALS further.


If Autophagy starts working its magic during the Oxidized Stress Phase, you can prevent any further problems from developing too.

Nip The Problem

Nip the problem in the bud. In other words, Nip it at the Cellular Level.

What are the different claims of Autophagy ???

01) Reducing the Risk of Neurodegenerative Diseases: How ???

Harmful Proteins

A harmful Protein called, Amyloid accumulates in patients; suffering from Alzheimer’s; Strangely, this Amyloid Protein also can remove another ill-fated Protein called the Alpha-Synuclein; which gets activated by Parkinson’s disease.

No Effect On Brain

By merely focusing on a specific Protein at a given time, Autophagy will ensure that it does not affect your Brain or cause as much harm as it does.

02) Prevents Onset Of Cancer: How ???

Any damaged Protein that causes instability in our Genes or prevents our Body from repairing damaged DNA gets flushed out of the System. While researching mice, scientists discovered that Rodents with poor Autophagy increased the incidence of Cancer. In other words, it may be better for Cancer prevention than treatment.

03) Improves Skin Health: How ???

The skin is the largest organ in the body and gets exposed to harmful effects from air pollution, chemicals, humidity changes, cold and hot weather, and even physical impacts. In truth, the Cells begin to age quickly due to that reason. So, your skin looks older than it should.

Worn-Out Cells

Autophagy works on these worn-out cells. Any Cell that does not function well is recycled. But if there are Cells that can still get used, the process makes them work efficiently. It contributes to healthier-looking skin.

Skin Glow

When people comment about how someone’s skin glows, they are probably talking about how Autophagy has enabled improved Cell function too.

04) Prevents Extreme Cell Death: How ???

Your body makes Cells die. It is a programmed function that occurs to everyone. It does not happen by a particular disease or genetic disorder. In a nutshell, your Cells commit suicide in a process called “Apoptosis.” Autophagy reckless cells, while Apoptosis makes Cells destroy themselves.


When Autophagy happens, the cells are recycled and used for energy or flushed out of the System. On the other, when Apoptosis takes over, you can observe a lot of wasted cells in the body. Hence, to prevent dealing with Cell Garbage, ensure that the body utilizes Autophagy more than Apoptosis.

05) Improves Muscles Performance: How ???

When you do a workout, your muscles demand more energy. To supply that energy, they turn to Autophagy. After all, why not use that energy from damaged Cells? What the body is doing is that it uses a boost of energy from the damaged Cells for the Muscles.

Muscle Strength

When you are exercising, you use the energy you do have. When you need that extra energy, the body turns to its version of a jerry can: Autophagy. The result is a quick boost to help you to exercise longer.

06) Protecting DNA: How ???

Our DNA is the foundation upon which we function. If there is damage to the structure, then we can see the repercussions of that problem spread out across the body. But our body has a defense mechanism at play. It has got defense, repair, and maintenance procedures all combined in one process. That process is Autophagy.

07) Enhances the Immune System: How ???

Our immune system is our defense. Likewise, Autophagy is like a support mechanism for your immune system. It provides support by removing intracellular pathogens. It does mean to say that it gets rid of anything that causes disease from the Cells of our Body. It flushes the substance or converts it into a source of energy.

Immune System

Not only does it assist the immune system, but it does also help your body to understand what it is doing. That’s like hitting two birds with one stone. Or could be termed as two results with just one action too. That is how powerful Autophagy can be to your immune system.

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